As a web designer, web developer and an internet marketer, besides designing web blog templates I always also pay attention to niche marketing. There was
Managing TemplatePanic provider of free Blogspot templates and WordPress themes, I also take my time to design another web blog design too. I have few
Even though now my field is a web designer, by education background is architecture. I graduated from architecture department and worked as an architect, but
In my last posting, I was talking about the history of TemplatePanic. In the early time, TemplatePanic was dedicated to provide free blog templates for its audience to download. As it is growing, so many developments have been made. We decided to start opening our mini store, selling a package of templates.
I don’t know is there is a word ‘netpreneur’ in the dictionary. That is the way I call it, an interpreneur whose business is on internet.
So, how to become a successful netpreneur? There are many ways to build a business on internet. Here are the list of three of them I can think of.
If you have known TemplatePanic for quite some time, maybe you ever wonder what is behind the TemplatePanic website. Hopefully this article can give you a little picture about us, and I hope by knowing us more, you will love us more.
TemplatePanic was born on June 15th, 2006. That was the creation of the domain. Since the beginning this has been belong to us, I am Teddy and my wife Effi, a newly married couple who want to start to have a business on internet. We were struggling that time, searching for possible ideas to realize our dreams.
Here is the sample of a WordPress theme I just made. This is just a scratch design, and I took the images randomly from internet. I plan to develop the template related to wine and wine store if there are many interested.
With its growing from time to time, now TemplatePanic not only provide free services like free download wordpress themes, blogspot templates and information about blogging. If you notice, it has been two months now we open up a small store. We sell a package of wordpress themes. We try to make it as cheap as possible so it is still affordable for even a newbie.