Year: 2008


How Much is Your Inkjet Printer Cost?

As a graphic designer, printer and scanner is a necessary gadget to have. When you decide to buy a printer, you probably compare the price of different printers from different brand. Well, even it is necessary to consider the price of the type specification and brands, it is wiser if you think far ahead.


Joining Online Auction

Beside blogging, making money online, getting earning from publishing ads or selling downloadable products, there is also another way to ‘use’ internet, online auction.


Adding a Live Chat Room in Your Website

When I was the first time to know internet, one thing that I like the most was chatting. I like to chat, have friend from many other countries especially, in “teen chat rooms”: With the advancing technology and the more I grew up, I found a lot more interesting things other than just a chat, like blogging and making money of course.


LiveJournal Template

After a few years providing a free blogger templates and WordPress themes, I began to look for another blog engine template to be learned and if possible to provide more templates to download for free. One of blog engine/blog script that I consider is Live Journal.


Our Advancing World of Gadgets

Gadgets have been contributing a great help in human life. Recently, we can hear news about the development and invention of new gadgets almost everyday. We must admit that our life can not be separated from them.