Year: 2008


How To Change The Blogger Template

Important! Backup your current template before change it to the new one. How to do: select all (Ctrl+A) and copy (Ctrl+V), then paste it (Ctrl+V) into Notepad…

Articles, Wordpress Themes

Under Water WordPress Theme

Under Water WordPress Theme features 3 columns layout, designed for 1024×768 or higher screen resolution. Other features: image gravatar ready from (no plugin needed), related posts in every single post (no plugin needed), top navigation menu, fit and easy to put adsense code (in the sidebar left), widget ready, 3 column bottom menu. Tested in Firefox, IE, Opera and Safari.

Live demo |


Sharing Your Video in Internet

Blog, basically, it is an online journal where you can place your thoughts, ideas, opinions—in other words, anything that people want to know about a particular thing. It comes in different formats and styles, and settings; it has so many variations.