Author: tetsuo


Adding a Live Chat Room in Your Website

When I was the first time to know internet, one thing that I like the most was chatting. I like to chat, have friend from many other countries especially, in “teen chat rooms”: With the advancing technology and the more I grew up, I found a lot more interesting things other than just a chat, like blogging and making money of course.


LiveJournal Template

After a few years providing a free blogger templates and WordPress themes, I began to look for another blog engine template to be learned and if possible to provide more templates to download for free. One of blog engine/blog script that I consider is Live Journal.


My First TemplatePanic Logo

When I was about to make TemplatePanic website, one of my biggest concern was its logo. Logo is very important for me, because it will be my first chance to show people a good impression. It is almost always the first thing a visitor will see. Once the visitors become familiar with the website, the logo will always be associated with our website. That’s why I took it seriously making it.


Business Goes to Internet

Do you plan to get rich with your business idea by doing it on the internet? If so, let me share something to help you make it. Here are four things to consider.


Protecting Your File With Encription

Do you often work with files which contain confidential information? Or are you a person who has so many secret? If so, then how do you protect your files or data from being looked by other people? Nobody wants their private or confidential information to be viewed or even shared to public. Unfortunately with the growing of the internet and computer now, those kinds of things should be more aware of.


Web Hosting : If Price Is The Most Important Factor For You

There are few things to consider choosing a web hosting to host your domain for you, the online businessman. There are so many web-hosting service providers out there and all of them claim to be the best. Therefore, it is a difficult process to identify the right web hosting service provider.


Understanding Download Manager

For those of you, internet users who like to download huge files from internet are mostly know about what called Download Manager. Download Manager is a facility to manage files downloading from the internet. Usually it has various of purposes.