Ya, mulai sekarang TemplatePanic akan memakai “Textpattern”:http://www.textpattern.com sebagai script blog, menggantikan “Wordpress”:http://www.wordpress.com. Sudah lama saya tertarik dengan Textpattern, tapi…
Wordpress Themes & Web Development
Ya, mulai sekarang TemplatePanic akan memakai “Textpattern”:http://www.textpattern.com sebagai script blog, menggantikan “Wordpress”:http://www.wordpress.com. Sudah lama saya tertarik dengan Textpattern, tapi…
There are many ways to install Wordpress in localhost/local computer, and upload to the remote server. Install Wordpress to your localhost can be very useful if you want to edit the template…
You can download this nice plugin from “village-idiot.org”:http://www.village-idiot.org/archives/2006/04/09/wp-simplecode/. WP-Simplecode is a simple plugin for WordPress…
If you don’t like the default archive page from Wordpress, then use this plugin…
Making good posts with interesting title everyday. This will give your posts more chance appearing in the “most recent posts†list, and get some traffic…