
Introduction of Mouse Gesture

When I was the first time know about the term ‘mouse gesture’, it was the feature of Opera browser, which is really cool. Opera browser is one of my favorite browser software because it offers fast browsing and the convenience shortcuts.

For a brief explanation, mouse gesture is a way of combining computer mouse movements and clicks which creates a specific command. Mouse gestures can provide quick access to common functions of a program. They can also be useful for people who have difficulties typing on a keyboard. For example, in a web browser, the user could navigate to the previously viewed page by pressing the right mouse button, moving the mouse briefly to the left, then releasing the button.

Few years ago most of the programs do not support mouse gesture, but now there are so many softwares use it. While for most programs like Opera browser you can easily add, edit and customize the mouse gesture, there are also software that made to help you customize it. Mouse Gesture Task Switcher (mgSwitch) is one of the comfortable software to do this.

The advantage of using this mouse gesture software is you can do tasks faster and easier, like switch between windows, show desktop, change skin and close application widows.