
My First Website Project:

Since I found “”: in April 2006, I think I’m falling in love with blogging world. There’s nothing more fantastic than having own blog with cool name, host it for free, adding and editing post anytime you want, with very easy way, do anything you want with your blog, and much more. So I tried to learn more about blogging from the internet and books. I specially have more attention to Blogger, WordPress, and Textpattern, since they are so popular in the internet world. The good thing is that I finally found the easy way to run the blog script in localhost, so I didn’t have to connect to the internet to explore and edit the blog template.

Then I offered myself to develop my church’s website, “International Christian Assembly Surabaya”: Before, the website was not easy to update. You had to create pages and articles manually. At the same time, my friend Yulius already created the new look of the website, but unfortunatelly it still not updateable, whereas he did a great job with nice design. So I tried to combined the design with my favourite blog script, Textpattern. The result was not good enough. I was not satisfied with the site menu that seems complicated.

So I changed to Joomla. I think Joomla is all I need to create this church website. The menu is all fit. Even for beginner, it is not hard to learn and understand the admin area. Thanks to my husband and my friends that have encourage, support and pray for me, and never let me give up.